Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Curation? And a plan!

I want to do something meaningful for my tech ed class, which has a wide open, student driven project (or two) so I decided to see if there was interest among my cohort to start an online middle years book club.  There was.  Significant interest.  We held a quick introductory meeting and almost everyone who aspires to teach that age group attended along with several people that are interested in the younger grades.  Wow.  Our cohort is very keen to gather great resources and to share the work of doing so.  Exciting stuff.

Next step is to figure out how to turn this into a tech ed endeavour.  I spoke to my prof and she introduced the idea of "curation".  I knew that a curator is someone responsible for collections in a museum or library but I was woefully ignorant about digital curation though I now think that Facebook and Wikipedia are both forms of curation because they store data that is constantly growing and changing.

I did some "research" into digital curation (okay, I looked it up on Wikipedia) and found the following to be helpful.  A good approach to digital curation is to: 
1) conceptualize - what kind of digital material will we be creating?
2) create - produce the data that we will be storing. 
3) access and use.

For our purposes, this will consist of our cohort (and beyond?) reviewing middle years resources and sharing teaching ideas with one another.  For now, we have decided to manage our book club as a blog (PDPPPosse Resource Club on blogspot) but this may have to change to manage more data.  

Now I put it to you, both of my readers:  any ideas for a curation platform?  


  1. Really depends on what sort of data you want to curate, and whether or not you want to do it publicly or privately... here's a few ideas:

    - Google Plus Community
    - Goodreads
    - Facebook
    - Blogspot or WordPress...

    Also, here is the post on educational technology and pedagogy that I mentioned to you:

  2. Here's another link that might be helpful at a high level for your edtech course:

  3. Thanks, Rich. I will do some looking today.
